Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our Daughter's Wedding

Beautiful Bride-Proud Father
What a whirlwind weekend! Dale and I celebrated our daughter's wedding. Pictured to the right is the proud father dancing with the beautiful bride. And I didn't even step on her toes! I had the privilege of performing the ceremony. It was emotionally challenging, but also exhilarating. It produced a kind of ambivalence. It's what every parent wants and works toward: independence and maturity. And yet, I couldn't help but feel I was losing something...

Ah, well. What's the alternative? Perpetual adolescence? No thank you! Besides, she picked a wonderful young man who will love her and cherish her. Congratulations to you both!

Here's where my mind is today. You know how much you love your family. Well, that's how much I love my family, too. But the fact is, families don't last. Kids grow up and get married. Spouses die. Things change. Not even your family is permanent. In fact, if all you have in this life is your family, one day you will be a very lonely person. It takes more than family to make it in this life. It takes connection to God.  And the incarnation of Christmas reminds us that God has done everything necessary for us to make a meaningful, permanent connection with him. He has given us the gift of a Savior.